Home > Artworks > Efrain Hoyos Osorio

Photo of Efrain Hoyos Osorio Colombia

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His work is characterized essentially to explore the image, whether a landscape, portrait, etc. Seeking to reflect the most important thing in the frame, to convey feelings and at the same time produce a reaction.

From the beginning, been concerned about having their photos to achieve artistic component, whether photographs with...

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His work is characterized essentially to explore the image, whether a landscape, portrait, etc. Seeking to reflect the most important thing in the frame, to convey feelings and at the same time produce a reaction.

From the beginning, been concerned about having their photos to achieve artistic component, whether photographs with artistic themes, landscape, social.

In its early days, was similar to photography in color, black and white, focusing on social issues, to pursue artistic photography, participating in various collective and individual exhibitions. Today is aware of the technology, digital images easier to achieve excellent, allowing you to manipulate them according to needs customer.

In his artistic work reflects great sensitivity to social and human problems, taking into account life expectancy highlight and the best of people even in their darkest moments.

In other areas of art photography, nudes are landscapes. In the nude female figure work primarily as muses or those moments of intimacy or romance full of tender moments away from any malicious interpretation. A little influenced by David Hamilton and the same poetry and literature


Dealer Training Institutional Networks

Living Corporation Ibague

June 2003

The Red Cultural Promoters of Latin America and the Caribbean

Management and Space Management Cultural Salons

November 2005

Business Training Center

Fundación Mario Santo Domingo

Course Management and Cultural Entrepreneurship

Bogotá December 2006


Entrepreneurship Course

Bogotá 2005


Photography Workshop

Academy of Art VIVA EL ARTE

Ibague, June - Enero 1994 - 1995

Advertising Photography Seminar

Tolima University Cultural Center and Photo Club Picture 94

July 1995

Experimental Workshop on Photography

Colcultura and Ibagué Chamber of Commerce

Ibague, October 1995

First Encounter Tolimense Photography

Picture 94 Foto Club

March 1998

Municipal Institute of Culture and Tourism

Photo 1994

Cor-University Hall Library

Photo 1994

1995 University of Ibague Tolima


Chamber of Commerce 1995 Ibague


Universidad del Tolima 1996


Cor-University Hall Library 1996 Ibague


Performing Arts Corporation 1996 Ibague


Chamber of Commerce 1996 Ibague


Cultural Shop 1996 The Guacharaca Ibague


First International Exhibition of Plastic junio1997 Ibague

Exhibition Hall Andres Lopez de Galarza


Board Development and Tourism August septiembre1997 Armenia


Mariquita Artist Hall Tol. April 2003


1st Festival of Fine Arts in October 2003 Ibague


Photographs in small format

Tolima Art Museum

Salon XXIV Tolimense Photography

September-October 2004


Tavern Bar Africando

Photo 1997

Sun Moon Tavern Bogotá


Bogotá August-December 2006

Gallery Bar Chimox


Bogotá in February March 2007

Youth Art Show de la Candelaria

Bogotá December 2007

Marathon Photo la Candelaria (Candlemas to know)

Third Place

December 2007

Backlit Justice

Call CIJUS (Faculty of Law University of the Andes) and British Council

Publication of 2 photographs in the book "Images of Human Rights

Bogotá in April 2009.

His photographs have also been published in the press as "Tolima 7 days "" New Day "Portfolio" book "Memoirs of Gestovivo"

Photography has given workshops for Beginners

Lyceum Ibagué 1996-1997 - 1998

Since 2004 I have worked in Bogotá photography and music groups such as El Teatro Taller de Colombia, TECAL, Vintage, Teatrovivo, assembly, production etc. The inherent Mimo. visual memory Gestovivo meeting of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and now Opera Studio last to make the visual memory of a campaign, "Living Standards" of the Ministry of Interior to raise awareness of the Bogota Police Code etc.

April, May and June 2008.


Association for the Defence of Rights Child

Recognizes the merits of their commitment and interest in working for the benefit of our children and community

Bogotá, October 10, 1989

Mayor's Republic of Colombia Ibague

Decree No. 00632

Whereby: Admiration It Pays Tribute to Outstanding Citizen

Ibague, October 14, 2000

Theatre Productions Corporation "El Mimo"

Recognition of his invaluable contribution

August 6 and in July 2004

Cel: 315 2 97 89 54


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